Words Can Save Your Life!


Words are Powerful. They can build you and can also break you!

"Words are containers for power, you choose what kind of power they carry."- Joyce Meyer

I Love You So Much! You complete me! You are so Beautiful that the Mere Glimpse of You Sets My Heart Thumping!

What? Feeling weird?

Wait, I have no intention to flirt around here... and these aren't my words, ahem! ahem!

Well, we all are familiar with these kinds of words, right? It's some of those dramatic words used generally in a melodrama by a lover to woo his mistress or spoken by a teen boy infatuated with a pretty girl. But...

Not in here...

Now, I didn't intend to make you uncomfortable and before you leave this page, just read the following 3 lines, you will be amazed guaranteed.

To your surprise, these words were said neither to any beloved, nor to a teddy bear, nor to any dog... cat... buffalo, hen, nor any other living being... But... to WATER!

You read it right. Yeah...Water. 

Water reacts to your words, try saying some good loving words expressed genuinely towards it and it will show you a beautiful crystal structure.

Try the other way round; say words of criticism or hatred towards it or try to demoralise it and you will force it to show an entirely different repulsive structure.

Having a hard time believing it? Watch this:

It's a fact. Masaru Emoto, a Japanese pseudo-scientist and author who wrote several books on water, the most famous being The Hidden Messages in Water which was a New York Times bestseller, discovered its change in behaviour at the molecular level when it is exposed to certain vibrations.

Unlike us humans and other living beings, water doesn't have a facial structure to showcase its feelings, instead, it does that by rearranging its structure at the molecular level which is impossible to be seen with the naked eye.

Here is another similar experiment conducted on steamed rice by Carolyn Harrington, Medical Intuitive, Energy Healer.

How do you feel now?

Awestruck! Amazed! Can't believe your eyes and ears?

How unbelievably astonishing, isn't it?

Our body is composed of 70% of water, and imagine what a healing effect would it have on people suffering from dreadful diseases or going through a tough time in life and in this era of this pandemic Covid-19, we need to say and hear more of positive words more often. Don't you agree?

Let's have a look at some of the popular dialogue used in movies:

Sounds familiar, doesn't it?

When it comes to words, movies have always left us with some of the greatest memorable dialogues. 

If you can recollect... it is one of the most famous dialogues that came out of Uncle Ben (Cliff Robertson) to Peter Parker (Tobey Maguire) while advising about growing up and responsibilities in his classic pale yellow car in the sci-fi first-ever Spiderman movie released in 2002.

Did you take notice of the words that are used in the dialogue?

Very ordinary words... that we see and hear quite often... ain't they? Yet powerful and influential enough to leave an inevitable imprint in our minds.

Or... how about this one?

"You gave me a forever within the numbered days." 

A significantly well-known quote, as said by the protagonist Hazel Grace Lancaster (Shailene Woodley) from the popular and critically acclaimed Hollywood romantic movie, The Fault in Our Stars released in 2014, which has now also been officially remade as a Bollywood movie with the name Dil Bechara released later in July 2020.

Where Hazel, a depressed thyroid cancer-stricken girl who finds the love of her life in a lively teenager, Augustus (Ansel Elgort), a sufferer of bone cancer who lost a leg owing to his disease who brings in an unprecedented series of joy into her life and helps strengthen faith in unconditional love, the true purpose of her existence, gets her to appreciate and enjoy the little unnoticeable things in life within a very limited number of days that she had.

Movies are undeniably an inevitable part of our lives. So, What's your favourite dialogue?

Or maybe this one...

It's from the Bollywood blockbuster movie, 3 Idiots, starring Aamir Khan, released in 2009. This dialogue is from the result day scene when Raju (Sharman Joshi) and Farhan (R Madhavan) finds out that both of them have managed to pass by securing the second last and last position in the class respectively. Dejected and dispirited with the thought that Rancho (Aamir Khan) couldn't make it after being unable to find his name on the list, but only to realise it later, that on the contrary, their friend is the one who has topped.


"Why do we fall, Sir?... So that we can learn to pick ourselves up."- Batman Begins (2005) Starring Christian Bale

"You had me at hello!" - Jerry Maguire (1996) Starring Tom Cruise and Renee Zellweger

"I'm gonna a make him an offer, he can't refuse."- The Godfather (1972) Starring Marlon Brando, Al Pacino

"I feel the need... the need for speed." - TOPGUN (1984) Starring Tom Cruise

"I will be back." - The Terminator (1984) Starring Arnold Schwarzenegger 

and the list is endless.

All these above popular movie lines/dialogues, still have the newness and freshness to them, even being over 20 years old and some even over 40, the words yet manage to leave a mark on our minds. 

"You can change the course of your life with our words." Anonymous

Words are not just merely a combination of words, they are expressed as a 'powerful affirmation' to humanity and can be used to express the feeling of excitement or boredom, encouragement or discouragement, happiness or sadness, freshness or staleness, energetic or lethargic, these also possess the constructive capability to build you or break you, make you powerful or weak, they have the power to heal you... help you...hurt you... humiliate you... and can also help you experience the best of the feelings such as of love, compassion, empathy, motivation and care.

So, what does actually the Power of Words mean?

Let me show you how...

It's a Saturday evening, just to break the monotony and with no intend to buying anything, James aka Jimmy, who is a territory manager with Samsung, St. Petersburg, Russia, goes to Galeria mall just to give his taste buds a quick treat. The food court is at the top floor (5th floor), and he decides to reach there through the escalators this time and while going up he comes across all the brand stores but...

Shopping Complexes and Malls are often known for resorting to exploiting the power of words

This particular store gets his eyes hooked on an offer written in large bold letters which said, "Great Things Come at a Great Price, But Just Not Today!"
What can words do to a person?

After having his food, he decides to go into that store just to check out the kind of offer on those luxury watches, and after browsing and having gone through many designs, he sets his eye on a silver dial with a black leather strap Emporio Armani chronograph timepiece and decides to buy it with his credit card.

The appropriate choice of words will help you gain more attention and hence, more sales.

So, did you see what just happened here?

Jimmy went to the mall just to enjoy a quick meal but also ended up buying himself a luxury watch. Weren't those words acted as a magnet to attract potential customers like Jimmy, who was not pulled by the shop but by the clever words used by the outlet that was displayed?

We as customers, undoubtedly, are well acquainted about how the discount and offer games work. Right?

We all have witnessed and admit that the footfall drastically increases if there is an offer in the form of discounts, bargains, sale...  

Apparently, it's very hard for many of us to resist those attractive offers. So, even if there is an offer which says 50 % off, that brand will still be making at least a 5-10% margin on that pretty comfortably. Psst... It's a secret.

Brands hire a great number of skilled copywriters to create a massive impact and influence the customers through the cleverly measured use of words by creating a sense of urgency or a fear of missing out (FOMO) in the form of irresistible offers, discounts,

Intelligently using words can help your customers gain a Crisp Clear Concise idea of the deal that they are being sold to, consequently leading to more sales, hence, more profits.

Here are a few relatable live examples...

Words, if used correctly, can transform your mood, health, relationships and even business conversions 

All of us use WhatsApp and apart from just writing and reading messages, many of us also indulge in the habit of sharing memes, jokes, motivational quotes or just greetings.

You wake up on Monday morning, a beautiful greeting pops up, doesn't that make you feel delighted, or ridiculous joke which leaves you in splits or some spiritual words which helps you connect with the inner self or even a motivational video during the day to give you some momentary boost.   

"One kind word can change someone's entire day."- Unknown

Now, just go to YouTube and type motivational videos and you will be astounded to see the number of views each of them has, what has it got to do with words?

1 billion hours of video are watched on YouTube every single day.

A lot, we people undeniably get pumped up by listening to such videos due to the wise use of those energetic words with clever placements, of course, music also plays a vital role in such videos but the words have the driving force that helps in releasing one of those happy hormones called dopamine which results in lifting up your mood and gets you visiting and listening to them again and again especially when we are living in a world filled with stress due to Covid-19 and the damage it has done to our society.

Books, albums (not photo albums please!), speeches, newspapers, headlines, movies, advertisements, all of them utilize the power of words to gain your attention to keep you hooked, to generate sales without even telling you directly.

Just try to remember the last movie you saw, the song you listened to last night or the book you are reading right now, and then figure out the dialogues or the lyrics or the phrases that left a mark on your mind and heart. I'm quite sure, you would come up with a lot of them but few of them would be your favourites as they connected with you more than the rest. Won't you agree?

"The words we speak become the house we live in." - Rumi 

What is the importance of words? 

If you really want to change your life... start today by first writing down your goals or wishes that you intend to accomplish on a simple paper or a sticky note or whatever you can find and stick them to your room's wall, refrigerator, your wardrobe, your office cabin and wherever you think your eyes will be able to find them more than often.

You will surely experience a humongous difference if you do it religiously. Begin with smaller goals first, don't try to get yourself out of your comfort zone immediately, it doesn't work that way, trust me... you are more likely to fail miserably. Then, as you progress and gain some momentum, take up the challenging ones. Words have the power to accomplish your every desire!

A life lesson within a few words

A small kid while playing in the park once walked up to a wise old man who happened to be the richest person in that neighbourhood and with curiosity in his eyes said: "Tell me, Sir, in which field I could make a great career, which will make me wealthy?"

And that man with a gentle smile replied: "Be a good human who speaks in a way which shows dignity and respect to every person he comes across, there is a lot of opportunities in this field and very less competition. Measure your words before you let them out, the wealth will automatically come by. "

If you want to get great results in business, work, relationships, life...

Change Your Words. Change Your World.- Purplefeather 🔽

How to use the power of words in business

3 things to keep in mind if you want your business/sales to grow exponentially through your words:
  1. Keep it short and catchy
  2. Use simple popular words
  3. Do not reveal everything in one go, leave a mystery, trigger their curiosity  
whether its B2B or B2C, words are the tool that can help you reach your goal effectively and efficiently. Just think of the heavy festive discounts offered by eCommerce websites such as Amazon, or a huge sale offered by a fashion brand like ZARA or Nike as the new season approaches.

Words are also capable of saving lives ... just in case, if you find someone low in spirits and going through a rough patch, just tell them, "It's okay, we all have bad times and time never stay the same." These words might not seem very special to many of us but can bring about a massive difference in the lives of the people suffering from depression and anxiety, failure...

Do give your words a chance to bring about a change... it's worth a try, you never know how many souls you would be saving knowingly and unknowingly.

"Raise Your Words, Not Voice.
It is rain that grows flowers, not thunder."

The Real Magical Power of Words is yet to be unleashed and will be revealed in the next instalment. Stay tuned!    



  1. Nice one, exact and true reality is given in the quotes.Excellent brother.

    1. Thanks, appreciate those words of encouragement from your side. Stick Around!

  2. WOW! Everytime I read your blog I get a new perspective of looking into things/situations/people.
    Keep up the good work ��

    1. Thanks Nandita, for the time and effort that you showed to us and extending those kind words. Stay tuned!

  3. Very impressive. Nice piece of work!

  4. Wow! Never knew that water reacts to emotion the same way as we do. Now, I am compelled to think water as living being now! The movie dialogues were great (awesome choice by the way), they added so much spice and character to the theme of this article. Great piece of work!

    1. Wow! It's my reaction after reading your comment Sienna Johnson.Well, the purpose to bring such examples like the water is to show that even things that exists around us have had a certain feelings in them and sometimes we fail to notice that.I believe,the dialog indeed create a wonderful impact in real life. Thanks again & enjoy reading !

  5. Awesome content, the water and the last video are really awesome. The dialogue from Jerry Maguire movie is indeed one of my favorites.

    1. Hi Shafina Berak! Thanks for commenting. Tom Cruise is my favorite too.I will be happy to keep adding reader's favorite part in the blog.So till then keep reading and stay tuned!

  6. I normally don't read long articles, but this time I ended up reading the whole of it. Words are indeed very powerful, never thought of them as deeply before. The examples were phenomenal and were relatable. Although there seemed a bit of disconnect between the very last few paragraphs. Nevertheless fantastic job.

    1. Hey Jason B! I appreciate you for your time & patience to read the whole blog. Words do have the power to bring about a massive change & your very kind words indeed did the same to this blog.Yes, I agree with you that last few paragraphs of the blog are a bit different from the rest, though the idea behind writing those paragraphs is to highlight that the power of words can be used to solve the problems(specifically depression and loneliness) that arrive in the time of the pandemic.I hope, that now you will connect with the idea.Thanks again, stay safe & happy reading!

  7. Thanks! keep a track for more...

  8. What a great read that was! Never ever came across such style of writing before. Great unique piece of work!

    1. Hi Shefali S! Your kind words inspire us to present something of this sort and readers like you end up enjoying the blog.This helps us to make a connection between a writer and its readers.So, keep reading & stay tuned..... stay fit!

  9. What a written piece! Do you write in magazines, I mean for business magazines. These blogs are seriously good. The one on fonts and this one is enjoyable to read, better than many podcasts I have listened.

    1. Hey Taylor! unfortunately, we unable to respond to your comment, so sorry for the delay,.... after reading your comment the only expression that comes to me is....wooh hoo it amazed me to see that you really liked our blogs. Coming to your ques. u asked above, no we didn't wrote for any business magazines yet, but if we got the opportunity to do so, we surely do write! That's so kind of you that you read and liked the blogs.....we our trying our best to present some more blogs that interests you! keep in touch and take care!

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